Established in 1994, 288th Calgary Chinese Group is an organization aimed at providing opportunities for youth ages 5-17 to develop personally in physical, intellectual, mental, social and spiritual aspects with the support of Scouters. Scouts will participate in various fun activities, enabling them to acquire outdoor skills, build leadership skills, be responsible and ready to help others, and not afraid to face challenges.
Scouts Canada adopted the Canadian Path Program by allowing youth to take charge in seeking their own programs through the “Plan-Do-Review” method. Although we started with only 4 youth, today the 288th Calgary Group has approximately 50 members over 4 sections:
- Beaver Colony – ages 5-7
- Cub Pack – ages 8-10
- Scout Troop – ages 11-14
- Venturer Company – ages 15-17
288卡爾加里童軍團成立於1994年, 是一個旨在全年招募5至17歲男女兒童的組織。我們的目標是在童軍領袖的支持下,為年輕人提供在身體,智力,精神,社會和精神方面的個人發展機會。 童軍將接受培訓計劃並參加活動(室內和室外),使他們能夠掌握戶外技能,變得值得信賴,開朗,樂於助人,負責任,並且不怕挑戰。
加拿大童子軍通過加拿大路徑計劃,允許年輕人帶頭尋求自己的計劃,然後通過“計劃-執行-審查” 的方法實現。我們將繼續執行加拿大童軍運動的使命:幫助培養全面發展的年輕人,為他們進入社會取得成功做更充分的準備。儘管我們僅從最初的4個童軍開始,如今288卡爾加里小組已擴展為4個部分:
- Beaver Colony – 5至7歲
- Cub Pack – 8至10歲
- Scout Troop – 11至14歲
- Venturer Company – 15至17歲