Beaver Colony (Age 5-7)
Get started on your scouting adventure through Beavers! Opening the door to friendship and adventure for girls and boys aged 5-7, Beaver Scouts discover the world through teamwork and fun activities. As a Beaver Scout, youth will experience a world of new adventures through immersion in diverse activities. Through games, crafts, outdoor adventures and linking events with other youth, Beaver Scouts will learn about the importance of community, gain valuable lifelong skills and make new friends along the way. Starting with Scouts, they will develop a respect for nature and others while exploring the world around them.
Beaver Promise:
I promise to be kind and to help take care of the world.
Beaver Law:
A Beaver has fun, works hard and helps family and friends.
Beaver Motto:
Sharing, Sharing, Sharing
Wondering where your badges go?
稚齡童軍支部 ( 5 -7歲 )
加拿大童子军透过组织野外生存教育培训, 各项体育活动和丰富多彩的社会实践,以及有趣的室内讲座,手工创作与游戏活动, 开阔孩子们的眼界视野,学到课堂以外的知识,让孩子们体会到集体活动的乐趣,结交志同道合的朋友。更加能够培养孩子们顽强勇敢进取、仁爱和科学探索的精神,坚持、细致、沟通、互助合作的品质以及更强的独立生活能力。
5-7 岁的小朋友们, 现在就加入童子军Beaver 组别, 开展多姿多彩的童子军生涯吧。Beaver 童子军的口号是:“分享友谊, 分享快乐,分享成果”。 当各位小童军们通过努力完成各项任务后, 除了得到领队和队友们的赞扬外, 还可以得到各项臂章奖励, 体验到满满成就感。
培养孩子成为优秀的童子军成员, 从参加Beaver组别开始。