Scout Troop (Age 11-14)

Bring on the adventure! Scouts aged 11-14 learn to blaze their own trail, delving into more leadership opportunities by planning adventures with their Troop and giving back to their community in a meaningful way. Scouts can take their outdoor adventure skills to the next level with activities like hiking, rock climbing, biking, camping, and exploring memorable opportunities with their peers. Through Scouts, youth discover their unique capabilities and personal progression as they discover the world through Scouting. With Scouts Canada’s Youth-led programming, youth put leadership and teamwork into play by planning their activities with the guidance of their section Scouters.

Scouts Promise:

On my honour;
I promise that I will do my best,
To respect my country and my beliefs,
To help other people at all times;
and to carry out the spirit of the Scout Law.

Scouts Law:

A Scout is helpful and trustworthy,
kind and cheerful,
considerate and clean,
wise in the use of all resources.

Scouts Motto:
Be Prepared

Wondering where your badges go?

童軍支部 (11 – 14)

童軍訓練採取小隊制度形式,配合歡愉及富 有吸引力之野外活動,藉此灌切價值觀及有進度性的訓練,引導11至14歲之成員按部就班地從戶外群體活動與訓練中一同策劃、學習和經歷,鍛鍊領導才能,並確認及表揚一起實踐的成果,以促進這個階段成長中的青少年之身心精神陶冶與啟發,以貫徹整個童軍運動連續性訓練,達成童軍支部訓練之目的。